NTE Process opened the doors of NTE Scientific Hub to Istituto Marconi’s students.
On Friday 24 November 2023, the “NTE Process 4 School” meeting was held at the NTE Scientific Hub: an event in which, for the first time, we opened the doors of the R&D hub and pilot plant site in Pessano con Bornago to a fifth grade class of Istituto Marconi’s Liceo Scientifico Scienze Applicate in Gorgonzola.
The aim of the meeting was to introduce the students to one of the flagships of their area and to let them experience the Company’s technologies first hand.
Starting with the concepts of dream, courage and passion, our President and CEO Fabio Novelli spoke to the boys and girls about vision and innovation; while Emanuele Fratto had the task of presenting our company and its market positioning. Gianluca Casari, on the other hand, talked about the activities of the NTE Scientific Hub and the technical concepts of pneumatic mixing and conveying.
After an initial general presentation, the students were able to deepen their knowledge of the company’s technologies by witnessing two tests: one of the pneumatic blending of ground coffee, thanks to the Jetmixer M537 solution, and one of pneumatic conveying of plastic granules in the dense phase using digital tecnology; conducted and described by Luca Manenti. Cecilia Portella, on the other hand, explained the functions and importance of the Laboratory and showed the students the state-of-art instruments used by NTE Process in the product analysis phase.
The event was also enriched by the testimony of the Mayor of Gorgonzola Ilaria Scaccabarozzi, who stressed that the synergy between school and business is fundamental to the growth process of every young person.
The day then ended with a final game in which the students tested themselves by answering a series of questions and then obtaining excellent results. It was a concrete initiative aimed at making boys and girls think about their professional future.
This is not the first time that NTE Process has met with Secondary School students: last year our company went to the Aula Magna of the Istituto Marconi to talk to 150 students about ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) issues.
This initiative demonstrates the NTE Process’ focus on the impact it has on local communities and the territory, key elements of our sustainability path.
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