NTE Process is among the winners, for the fifth time, of the Best Managed Companies Award, the prize for entrepreneurial excellence of Made in Italy promoted by Deloitte Private in collaboration with ELITE-Gruppo Euronext, Piccola Industria Confindustria and with the methodological and strategic support of ALTIS Graduate School of Sustainable Management of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.
The company received the award this year too, being confirmed among the “Gold” companies that have received the award for at least four consecutive years.
NTE Process received the award for demonstrating excellent managerial skills by showing that it places great value on its people and corporate culture, which can reward virtuous behavior.
“We are very proud to have received this award, which is a valuable moment to check our KPIs, goals and strategies, together with external evaluators who helped us measure the progress of our improvement projects, focused on four main pillars of our growth vision: Internationalization, Digitization, Sustainability and Human Resources,” said Roberta Novelli, CFO, Head of Human Resources and member of Corporate Governance – ”As SMEs we are aware that our real strength is our people, their growth and involvement. As Head of HR, I want to emphasize this: our work is based on common values we all contribute together to the company’s success.”
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