NTE Process is a single source provider that supports its customers from the engineering to the construction and start-up of turnkey plants. Many years of experience has made the company a specialist in bulk material handling and process solutions compatible with the European digital transition plan, as well as Industry 4.0 ready.


“SERVICE, QUALITY & COMPETENCE” is the mantra of the company.

NTE Process wants:

  • to be a reliable and committed partner, by providing quality services with excellent scientific skills;
  • to actively participate in the growth of the best leading companies right from the “vision” of the project, acting as an industrial solution provider;
  • to provide unique process solutions starting from the excellence of “Made in Italy” through strategic alliances and international partnerships.


NTE Process aims to be a “Pioneer” company, to create unique and innovative solutions for industrial machines and processes, through constant R&D and creation of patents. NTE Process wants the adoption of its ideas and solutions to have a positive impact on the planet, by helping partners to produce in a more sustainable way.



Courage, Experience, Honesty, Fairness, Collaboration and Fidelity are some of the main values that inspire us everyday.


NTE Process ideas and solutions are conceived to have a positive impact on the planet, helping partners and customers to produce more sustainably. This is what is also stated in the vision and which inspires the company on a daily basis.

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The participation of key functions in the Governance Committee and its close collaboration with the Board of Directors guarantee constant and effective coordination of strategic plans, allowing NTE Process to respond promptly to customer needs and market dynamics.



NTE Process is a partner attentive to the needs of the market, to the change in the socio-economic scenario, and to the care of customers’ products in terms of quality and sustainability.

UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015

Since 1999, NTE Process’ Quality Management System complies with the standard requirements defined by the International Organization for Standardization.

NTE Process is inspired every day by the values ​​and principles of quality management:

These are the reasons why the “Service, Quality & Competence” logo was created, containing the three milestones that characterize the NTE Process solutions. The company is committed to research, new patents and continuous evolution, not only to always satisfy the needs of its customers, but also to provide added value that makes NTE Process unique in its kind.

UNI EN ISO 45001: 2018

In 2021, the transition to the new standard for the Health and Safety Management System (ISO 45001) was completed and the measures to ensure safe production continuity for all workers were integrated.

UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015

In 2023, by obtaining ISO 14001 certification for its Environmental Management System, NTE Process has further integrated its single management system for quality, environment and safety by improving the implementation of the company’s existing systems and processes.

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Fabio Novelli begins his entrepreneurial journey by founding a commercial company in Gorgonzola which then moved on to industrial automation, industrial services, engineering and plant engineering as well as Research and Development.


Albino Novelli and his son Fabio founded Nol-Tec Europe Srl in Joint Venture with Nol-Tec System Inc., an American company dealing with the design of integrated bulk material handling and process automation across several industrial sectors.


For the first time Nol-Tec Europe Srl achieved the ISO 9001 certification for its Quality Management System. From this moment onwards, the principles of quality management are transformed into real values for the company to deeply inspire every day.


Born of the Pilot Plant: the company can now provide its customers the ability to perform both scientific and full-scale tests that allow for detailed reports, providing relevant information for predictive performance analysis and preliminary design of a plant.



Roberta Novelli, Fabio’s sister, assumed the role of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Head of Human Resources in Nol-Tec Europe Srl thus giving continuity to the management of the company, and ensuring key roles maintain the family presence in the company.


The company celebrated the first “Company Day”, an internal event that will be then organized every three years to communicate the results and objectives achieved and to present the strategies of the following three-year period to all employees.


New strategies are developed to extend the range of services and acquire innovative technologies. Wonderbatch® technology is born for in-line formulation, a complete solution for managing recipes, batching and handling materials in mobile containers (IBC).


The company embarked on a strategy for implementing turnkey systems supply all over the world that led it also to South America. Here is where Nol-Tec Chile was born, the reference hub for the LATAM market. The headquarters is based in Santiago de Chile.


Restyling of the logo to reflect the evolution of the company. Indeed, Nol-Tec Europe from a simple engineering company has become a leading company in turnkey systems for bulk material handling thanks to the acquisition of new technologies and territorial expansion.


A new brand – NTE Process – was born to establish process solutions to support the well established bulk handling capabilities. Agreements were signed with world leading partners such as Ohkawara Kakohki for spray drying and Okawara MFG for drying technology.


The Pilot Plant become a Research Centre & Laboratory. Thanks to the design of numerous patents and the success of the solutions provided to the market, Nol-Tec Europe attracted the attentions of companies of global significance, becoming their technology partner.


A clear business management system was put in place whilst maintaining the values of a family business. Operational management is currently guaranteed through corporate Governance with the main function of implementing and controlling management processes.


The company receives the “Industry & Work” award from the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, Monza Brianza and Lodi. This is a recognition for the long-lasting and continual activity to development the socio-economic system of the three territories year after year.


The company awarded the first Deloitte Best Managed Company Award, recognizing its organizational capacity, strategy and performance. The award reflected the company’s capability and resilience when dealing with the crisis linked to Covid-19.


The company changed its name into NTE Process S.r.l. Then was awarded as the Best Managed Company, got its first ISO 45001 certification and the silver medal from Ecovadis for the Sustainability company performance. Issue of the first Sustainability Report.


For the third consecutive year, NTE Process received the Best Managed Company Award of Deloitte Private.At the same time, the company receives the gold medal from Ecovadis as an acknowledgment of its sustainability performance.


The Research Centre become NTE Scientific Hub, a real research and development hub, with a team of specialized engineers who work daily to refine existing technologies and patent new ones in order to help partners and customers to produce in a more sustainable way.

NTE Process Worldwide

Nol-Tec Chile Ingegneria SPA

Av. Nueva Tajamar 481, Torre Norte, Piso Oficina 402

World Trade Center, Santiago,


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NTE Process India Private Limited

203, 2nd Floor, Mahinder Chambers,

W T Patil Marg, OPP Dukes Factory, Mumbai

Maharashtra 40071, India

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NTE Industrial Process Brasil LTDA

Rua Alfonso Braz 473 – CONJ 94 SALA 19

Vila Nova Conceicao – CEP 04511011

São Paulo, Brasil

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France Branch Office

Frederic Chaminant

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India Branch Office – Rubber & Tire

Anand Jaiswal

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USA Branch Office

Brian Howard

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