“Growing together, dreaming the future,” is the title of the event held last September 13 at Leolandia Park in Capriate San Gervasio (BG) to celebrate NTE Holding’s 30 years in business.

The company, based in Gorgonzola (MI), has specialized in pneumatic conveying systems and the design of process solutions for industries since its inception. It has grown over the years with the entry of companies in the sector, and has simultaneously consolidated its international presence in Chile, Brazil and India.

Founded in 1994 from the passion for engineering of Albino and Fabio Novelli (father and son), NTE Holding now has about 100 employees. But it maintains a solid prerogative as a family business: Fabio’s sister and Albino’s daughter, Roberta, serves as CFO and Human Resources Manager.

The NTE Holding group consists of seven entities. With the parent company NTE Process, Normicom, Nol-Tec Chile, STM Microtec, NTE Process Brazil, NTE Process India and ENG-INN as a subsidiary are part of it. An Italian company but, therefore, with a strong vocation for internationalization.

Internationalization and innovation: the NTE Scientific Hub, home of NTE Process’s Research & Development Department, has been operational for some time. At its heart is a pilot plant (the only one in Italy and among the most complete in Europe) where technologies and patents aimed in particular at improving the environmental impact of production are realized. In fact, sustainability is another of the company’s guiding values: since 2020, NTE has voluntarily published its Sustainability Report to report to stakeholders on its commitment to environmental, social and governance issues.

“Dream, courage and passion: I could summarize in these three words the path that has led us to reach this important milestone.“– explains Fabio Novelli, CEO NTE Holding- ” ‘Dream’ because I believe that every entrepreneurial path must be born from a bold and apparently unrealizable idea; ‘courage’ because it is necessary to believe in one’s project and not let oneself be knocked down by the difficulties that one inevitably encounters on every journey. Finally, “passion” because it is thanks to that fire that we were able to grow the company and still guides our daily work. I am grateful to all the employees and collaborators of NTE Holding: they prove every day that they work with commitment, loyalty and trust. I also thank my father for passing on important values to me: without his support and trust, I would not have been able to lead the group and grow it on the Italian and international scene. Today customers come from all over the world to learn about our technologies. Developed between Gorgonzola and Pessano con Bornago.”

Unforgettable event, special location and not accidental: “The choice of an amusement park,” Novelli concludes, “was also a way to wish us, as adults, to continue to see the world as children see it: with confidence, hope and enthusiasm for the future.”

Heart of the day was a technical-economic discussion on the realities and prospects of SMEs. First guest Vainer Marchesini, founder and owner of WAM Group, who brought his testimony as an entrepreneur as well as personal greetings to the founders of NTE Holding. This was followed by contributions from experts in the field: in the shortlist of speakers Fabio Papa, scientific director of I-AER (Institute of Applied Economic Research), a research center specializing in transferring managerial skills to Italian SMEs; Davide Bertoia, Deloitte partner in charge of Transaction Accounting Support; and Banco BPM, in the persons of Gianluca Bernocchi of the Milan and Lombardy North area territorial management East Milan and Massimo Pasquali, head of the italian companies.

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