Air Pollution Control
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Awareness of the complexity of managing environmental aspects has led NTE Process to develop the range Air Pollution Control, consisting of:
- A process technology that combines dust filtration with control of harmful emissions for mitigating a wide range of acid pollutants (SO2, SO3, HCl and HF), heavy metals (HG, As) and dioxins in accordance with the most stringent regulations in force.
- Industrial filtration for pneumatic conveying systems and processes that requires aspiration and particilate capture.
The NTE Process systems is based on DSI technology for injecting sorbents to reduce harmful emissions by offering an economical solution, easy to install, even in the case of existing systems or upgrades. DSI is also more effective than traditional technologies thanks to special injection lances – Eco-Lance® – which contribute to reduce the use of sorbents, up to 50%.
The sorbents, normally hydrated lime, sodium bicarbonate, trona, activated carbon, are continuously transferred from the storage silos to the injection lances which are strategically positioned along the fumes duct, reacting accordingly with the polluting gases and guaranteeing an effective reduction of emissions.
Consulting, CFD modeling, on-site tests with mobile units are just some of the services provided in the preliminary design phase that precedes the installation of the systems.
Furthermore, NTE Process provides a large range of solutions for conveying ashes and waste products with integrated and complete systems even for high filtration temperatures even higher than 350 ° C and handling.
The NTE Process bag filters are designed for dry filtration and purification of the air from suspended solid particles deriving from pneumatic transport or industrial processes that require suction and filtration. As part of its ESG policy, the company considers fundamental to collaborate with its customers to create healthy and emission-free working environments. It is therefore essential to remove the dust deriving from the various process phases, in order to avoid its diffusion in the workplace and inhalation by operators.
Thanks to the installation of the NTE Process bag filters it is possible to treat a wide range of pollutants even in the presence of high temperatures and humidity. The cleaning of the filtering elements is managed by pressure delta, to favor a lower consumption of compressed air and a longer life of the sleeves, as well as by time in case of failure of the differential itself.
The dusty air is conveyed to the filter sleeves passing from the outside to the inside, so that dust is intercepted by the filtering elements and discharged by a reverse-jet cleaning system into the hopper of the filter itself. The most advanced filtering elements and cleaning systems are adopted to ensure filtration efficiency and minimum emissions in accordance with the most stringent Italian, European and global regulations.
NTE Process provides bag or cartridge filters which easily adapt to customer specifications as they are entirely tailor-made for specific needs.
The versions in carbon steel, AISI, CE certifications, and the possibility of use in the ATEX area are available for all.
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